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The peach emoji is back to looking like an arse again after an outcry from sexters


YOU CAN TAKE away our Toblerones, you can shrink our Terry’s Chocolate Oranges, but you will never take away our sexting emojis. NEVER.

CwINKEjXEAAiriJ Source: Twitter/@carreteronacho

Earlier this month, a new iPhone update was announced, complete with a raft of new emojis as well as tweaks to older ones.

While most of the updates were welcomed, one caused ructions: The peach emoji, which once looked like a cute little bum, now just looked like a, well, peach.

Bum peach:

buttpeach Source: iEmoji

Inferior, ‘realistic’ peach:


What Apple didn’t seem to realise or accept was that the peach had, along with the aubergine, become a cheeky sexting emoji. People NEEDED that peach to look like an arse. For reasons.

And they were very sad when it was snatched away from them:

It appears that Apple finally understands that it did us wrong, as the company’s next beta update restores the peach emoji to its bum-like glory.

The updated peach manages to look even arse-ier than it did before:

peach emoji Source: Twitter/@harrison__kc

It’s currently only available to beta testers, but it should when iOS 10.2 is rolled out in the next couple of weeks. You see that, guys? Someone is listening to us.

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Previously: The peach emoji no longer looks like an arse and people are devastated>

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